Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Devotion to the Three United Sacred Hearts through the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph given to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Table of Contents
Various Consecration and Other Prayers

Consecration to the Three United Sacred Hearts
On Sunday, December 29, 1996, feast of the Holy Family, Our Lady taught me a consecration to pray to the three Hearts united in one love:
Teach this consecration to all your brethren. It is the consecration to the three Hearts. This consecration is to be made to Our Three Hearts united in one love. Make the sign of the cross as you say the words and consecrate your whole being to our Most Holy Hearts who love you so much.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, I consecrate to You this day my mind († on my forehead) , my words († on my lips) , my body († on my chest) , my heart († under my left shoulder) , and my soul († under my right shoulder) , that Your will may be done through me this day. Amen!
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
This consecration should be done three times a day: in the morning, afternoon, and evening. It is important to make the sign of the cross at the moment the words are said.
Act of Offering for the Salvation of Souls
I,... before the Most Holy Trinity, for the honor, praise and glory of the Three Most Sacred United Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph with the help and strength of Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael, of my Guardian Angel and of my Holy Protectors, offer through the hands of these most Sacred United Hearts, to the Triune God, in union with the merits of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Christ and of the pains and joys of the Most Holy Hearts of Mary and Joseph, my life, my soul, entirely my entire being, all that I am and all that I have: the Holy Masses, adorations, my poor actions, prayers, sacrifices and penances, in reparation for the sins of the world. From this day on, I no longer want to dispose of myself, that my will may never exist, but that it may disappear completely, prevailing only the will of God and His divine love in my life.
I offer myself entirely to God for the conversion and salvation of souls. May none of the souls that God has entrusted to me be condemned to the fires of hell, but may they all repent of their sins and be led to the holy path of His kingdom and the glory of heaven.
May the most difficult, lost and deserving sinners of divine justice not be chastised, condemned and punished, but may they obtain the mercy of God while I am interceding tirelessly for them, begging them for divine graces. May the Lord accept my sacrifice and the atonement I make for them, giving them His forgiveness and merciful love in return. May all the sufferings, crosses and tears that I have to endure, by God's will and for their sake, free them from Satan's clutches and from the paths that lead to eternal damnation, destroying the power of hell and the works of evil, spread all over the world.
May the Almighty God always be with me, may His grace and strength never fail me, but be my food and my sustenance, may He invigorate and sanctify me each day, so that one day I may deserve and see forever in heaven, my great love and my all, the One who is, who was, and who is coming: Come, Lord Jesus!
May the Lord always be glorified, adored and loved. Amen!
Prayer to Saint Joseph
Taught on November 27, 2020
Viceroy of heaven, take care of me, free me from my human will, take it away from me!…let the will of God be done in my life. Amen!
Prayer to Saint Joseph
Taught on January 7, 2020
My son, pray this prayer I teach you now and spread it to all the people all over the world as soon as possible:
Glorious St. Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church and our families, the Holy Church and all humanity needs the power of Your intercession with the Throne of God. Obtain for us the grace of conversion and the healing of our hearts, so that we may be freed from all pride, presumption, selfishness, violence, hatred and lack of love. May we know how to put God in the first place in our lives and may His Divine Will prevail and reign over all human will. May His Divine Will be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven, and may all men learn to worship God in spirit and truth, recognizing Jesus Christ as the only Lord, Way, Truth, and Life, the One who is, who was, and who is coming, returning contrite, repentant, and humiliated to His Merciful Heart, the perennial and true source of eternal peace. Obtain for us great miracles of healings and conversions from the Heart of Jesus, so that the whole Church and the whole world may recognize Your great power and glory in heaven, near His Divine Throne, and, through Your intercession, may once again be saved from great calamities and chastisements, and justice may give way to mercy. Amen!
Prayer to Saint Joseph
Taught on October 10, 2019
Glorious St. Joseph, Most Pure Spouse of the Immaculate Virgin, Most Chaste Lily of virginity and purity, teach us to be pure, holy and faithful in the holy eyes of God.
Just man, virile and balanced, by the power of Your intercession before the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, obtain for the men of this world balance and virility, so that they do not lose their masculinity and the sanctity of their souls, because of the corruption of customs, of sins against morality and against the Divine Laws. May all men know how to respect the Holy Name of God and honor Him worthily in every home, in every family consecrated to your Most Chastely Heart. Cover the youth: boys and young men with Your most pure mantle, so that they may be protected in their purity and grow in an ardent and holy love for the glory of God and to be at the disposal of the Divine Will, just as You served the Lord while You were living in this world, so that one day all may obtain the crown of eternal life, beside the Throne of God and Your Most Chastened Heart, in heaven. Amen!
Prayer to the Three United Holy Hearts
Taught on January 1, 2015
Sacred United Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, to You I consecrate myself at this moment. May the flames of love and holiness inflame my heart, filling it with the virtues and heavenly graces that emanate from You. May my whole being love You and glorify You without ceasing.
O Most Sacred Hearts, pure and holy, teach me the way of prayer, mortification, reparation for my sins, and sincere repentance for all of them. May I know how to glorify and honor God's Holy Name by lovingly obeying His Divine Laws and teachings so that the fruits of conversion, peace, and love may be poured out upon my life and upon the whole world. Lead us all along the path of salvation that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven. We trust in You. Amen!
Consecration to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Taught on January 20, 2014
To your Most Chaste Heart we consecrate ourselves this day, O Glorious Saint Joseph. We consecrate our families and all that we have. Just as you protect Jesus and Mary, protect also O my Beloved Protector my soul and my life from the dangers that surround me and attempt against me.
O Glorious Saint Joseph, teach me to love deeply the Most Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, so that I may come to love Your Most Chaste Heart deeply like Them, honoring it and making it known, as You deserve, to be honored and loved for all eternity. Amen!
Prayer to Saint Joseph
Taught on August 12, 2013
O St. Joseph, we place our lives, our family in Your hands. You know what afflicts our hearts the most. You know our anguish and sorrows.
May Your protective mantle, mantle of peace and love be extended over the whole Church and the whole world. Defend the oppressed; lift up the fallen; intercede for the healing of those who are spiritually blind because pride and arrogance have taken over. Make us docile, obedient, and humble before the call of God, and may our yes always resound from our lips, just as Your Immaculate Spouse did. Lead us to Jesus, true light and life for our lives. Amen!
Prayer to Saint Joseph
Taught by Jesus on November 23, 1997
My Glorious Saint Joseph, by the graces of Your Most Chaste Heart, save the Holy Church from the attacks of Satan and defend, with Your intercession and power, the devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. God has granted You a great place in heaven and great power and glory. I want to be, for all my life, Your servant and love You with the same love of Jesus and Mary. Amen!
Consecration to the Holy Family
Taught on March 3, 1997
O Holy Family of Nazareth, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, at this moment, we consecrate ourselves to You, truly, with all our hearts. Protect and defend us against the evils of this world, so that our homes may always be solidified in the infinite love of God.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love You with all our hearts. We want to be totally Yours. Help us to do the Lord's will, truly. Guide us always to the Glories of heaven, now and forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer to the Holy Family
Taught on January 7, 1997
My holy family of heaven, guide me on the right path, cover me with Your holy mantle, and protect me from all evil during my life here on earth and forever and ever. Amen.
Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be to the Father.
At the end of these prayers always say:
Holy Family and my guardian angel pray for me. Amen.
Immediately afterwards Saint Joseph gave the following message:
From this day forward begin your day with this prayer. Then pray the Rosary of the Holy Family to save souls for Jesus, the Rosary for the Virgin Mary and the other usual prayers, and at the end the Rosary of Forgiveness, with much faith and love in your heart. At the end of the rosary or the prayers of the day, give thanks by saying:
Thank You, my Lord, my Shepherd, my Father of heaven and earth and my Mother of heaven and earth. Amen!
Rosary of the Holy Family
Taught on January 7, 1997
At the Beginning
My holy family of heaven, guide me on the right path, cover me with Your holy mantle, and protect me from all evil during my life here on earth and forever and ever. Amen.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father...
Holy Family and my guardian angel pray for me. Amen.
Apostle's Creed...
On the Large Beads
Sweet Heart of Jesus, be our love.
Sweet Heart of Mary, be our salvation.
Sweet Heart of Joseph, be the guardian of our family.
On the Small Beads
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love You, save souls.
At the End
Sacred United Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph make me love You more and more.
Prayer to Saint Joseph
Taught by Our Lady on May 24, 1996
My glorious Saint Joseph, take care of my family: today, tomorrow, and forever and ever. Amen!
Prayer to Jesus
Taught on November 2, 2020
Jesus, I love You. Jesus, I adore You. Jesus, I want You to dwell in my heart.
Prayer to the Tears of Our Lady
Taught on November 26, 2014
Holy tears, powerful tears, motherly tears of Our Lady, deliver us always from all evils and dangers, during this day and this hour!
This prayer Our Lady taught me on November 26, 2014, to ask for her protection and deliverance, through her maternal tears. This prayer delivers us from bodily and spiritual evils and dangers and is powerful against the devil and the power of hell.
Prayer to the Holy Hand of God
Taught on November 19, 2014
Mighty Hand, Holy Hand of God, Hand that heals, saves and sets free. May You always be extended over me and my family as a sign of blessing and protection, so that every power of darkness, every negative influence may be destroyed, banished and overcome. Holy Hand of God, have mercy on us. Amen!
Prayer to the Holy Hand of God
Taught on July 24, 2014
Holy Hand, Mighty Hand of the Lord, Hand that works wonders and miracles, Hand that heals, saves and sets free! Hand full of blessing and grace, Hand of protection that re-erects us to divine life, bless me, guide me, heal me and free me from every evil. May You always be extended over my life and my family blessing and protecting. May I praise and bless You for ever and ever. Amen!
Prayer to the Mother of Peace
Taught on July 3, 2014
Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, visit our families, heal our hearts, free the unfortunate from their prisons, give us the grace and strength to overcome the devil and sin. Teach us to say with You: MY SOUL IS IN LOVE WITH THE LORD! Amen!
Prayer to the Blessed Mother
Taught on February 4, 2014
O Blessed Mother, may Your maternal and love-filled gaze always be watching over me and my salvation. May my family belong totally to Your Son Jesus, through Your Immaculate Heart. Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, fill our hearts with God's peace, so that we may witness to all those who need the blessings and graces of heaven. Be our refuge and protection, now and at the hour of our death. Amen!
Prayer to Jesus
Taught on August 2, 2013
O Jesus, True Lamb of God, have mercy on us!
Have mercy on poor sinners!
Have mercy on those who do not know what they are doing, that they may learn to do the will of the Father on earth as it is in heaven!
Give us Your love and forgiveness! Let Your merciful gaze shine upon us and Your holy face, and we shall be saved. Amen!
Prayer to Jesus
Taught on January 15, 2007
Always pray this prayer:
Jesus, give me Your light, Your grace and Your love.
Jesus, heal my soul from every evil, free me from every weakness and all the negative things from my past. I want to be Yours and do Your will.
Consecration to Mary, Queen of Youth
Taught on November 24, 1998
O Mary, Queen of Youth, to Your Immaculate Heart we consecrate ourselves at this moment. We desire to be Your faithful servants to You. Beloved Mother, save all young people from the road of perdition.
We promise to witness Jesus Christ to all the young people who do not know His love and Your love as Mother. Hand of God, be our guide. We are your children so fragile and small who do not yet know how to walk and live true love.
Be our guide to Jesus we love You and we say thank You for being our Mother and Queen of all young people. Reign in the world with Your Son and among all young people. Amen!
Prayer to Jesus of Mercy
Taught on October 24, 1997
My Merciful Jesus, I wish to be one of those who come to console Your Most Holy Heart. Form me in the living of love, peace, and union.
Jesus, with each passing day my love for You needs to be sharpened. Help me to love You more and more, for my life depends only on Yours, because You are the owner of my life.
Prayer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Taught on April 2, 1997
Message from Our Lord to Maria do Carmo in Manaus, AM, Brazil
From now on, during your life here on earth, when you enter a church, look first for the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Pray a little, then find a place to sit. This prayer is to be made before the Blessed Sacrament of the altar:
O My Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the altar, I stand here before You to ask You for whatever is needed for my family and for all people throughout the world and to thank You for all that You have already done for them, for my family members up to the Fourth generation, for my spouse's family members up to the Fourth generation, and for all humanity.
I thank You Lord, for all the people who do not know how to thank You. Amen!
From your seat, kneeling, standing or sitting continue to pray:
O My Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on the souls of my family, forgive their sins and give them eternal salvation.
O My Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on the souls of my family members until the Fourth generation, forgive their sins and give them eternal salvation.
O My Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on the souls of my spouse's relatives until the Fourth generation, forgive their sins and give them eternal salvation.
O My Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on the souls of my neighbors, my friends, my enemies, the dying, the souls in purgatory, the prisoners, the wicked, the evildoers, the criminals, forgive them their sins and give them eternal salvation.
O My Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on the souls of atheists, people who do not love You, people who persecute us, people who criticize us, people who do not know how to love God above all things and their brothers as themselves, forgive their sins and give them eternal salvation.
O My Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on the souls of mothers who abort their children, mothers who abandon their children, people who abandon their father and mother in asylums, people who practice adultery, forgive their sins and give them eternal salvation.
O My Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on the souls of all Your children, the good and the bad, many of whom do not know what they are doing. Amen!
Invocation of the Holy Spirit
Taught on January 2, 1997
Come, Holy Spirit, and renew our hearts, our souls, our families, and the entire face of the earth with Your warm rays of Love and Light.
Come, Holy Spirit, giver of all graces and gifts, and enkindle us with Your Light, opening us to Divine Grace and sanctifying us with Your holy Presence.
Come, Holy Spirit, bless all of humanity, all of the Holy Church, illuminating her with Your Light, clothing her with Your power, and renewing her with the most pure fire coming from the Heart of the Father, of the Son, and from You, the Pure and Holy Light, the Sovereign Lord and Sanctifier of our souls.
Come, Holy Spirit, and take charge of my entire being. Come and be the master of my heart and of my whole life. I am entirely Yours. Do with me whatever You please. I am here to do Your will, and may Your Living Word: Word of Life and Truth, be the strength and source that will make streams of living water gush out of my heart.
Rosary of the Wounds of the Heart of Mary
Taught on April 11, 1995
This rosary by Our Lady taught me, in Her apparition of April 11, 1995, to be prayed by all Her children, in reparation to God for the sins committed throughout the world and for the eternal salvation of souls.
O Sorrowful and Weeping Heart of Mary, I offer You this rosary which I will pray meditating on the great pain and sorrow caused to You by the loss of countless souls, who each day are plunged eternally into the fires of hell. I offer it in reparation to God, for so many sins and blasphemies, which are the causes of the loss of these souls, so that these same souls may find grace and courage from Your sorrowful and weeping Heart, obtaining from God, through Your powerful intercession, eternal Salvation. Amen.
On the Our Father’s Beads
Immaculate Jesus, have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, deliver us from the fires of hell. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Her Tears of Blood.
On the Hail Mary’s Beads
O Heart of Mary, overwhelmed with sorrow for the loss of many sinners, save the souls of Your beloved children from the danger of falling into the fires of hell.
At the End (3x)
Beloved Father, I love You. Beloved Mother, I love You.
Beloved Father and Beloved Mother, I love You, I love You, I love You
Consecration to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary
Taught by Our Lady
O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, deeply wounded by a burning and living wound. Caused mainly by the loss of many souls. I, Your beloved Child, come at this moment to consecrate myself to Your most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Promising to be faithful to the teachings of Your Son Jesus, especially to that great New Commandment, taught by Jesus at the Last Supper: Love one another as I love you.
O Mary, Sorrowful Virgin, have compassion on us and intercede before Your Son Jesus for our eternal salvation.
O Most Pure Virgin, cover us with Your purity and help us to live totally pure for Your Son Jesus, so that like You, we may shine in holiness and thus be able to win the gaze of Your Son Jesus for all eternity. Amen.
O Mary Queen of the World, pray for the whole world and especially for Brazil (or your country).
Prayer of Command for Healing and Liberation of the Family
Taught by Jesus
(Original Prayer for Private Use)
I now cry out Lord, in Your Divine Will, that my will be one with Yours, that my lips be united with Yours, that my heart be grounded in Your Divine Heart, that we be one soul and one heart in Your love, that all my actions be united with Yours, that all my steps join Your footsteps, that every beat of my heart be one with the beat of Your Divine Heart, that my blood flows in Your Divine and Most Precious Blood, that my mind enters Your mind and thinks together with You, that I act united and perfectly with Yours, so that all I say, think and act may be according to Your Holy and Divine Will, that created all beings and the whole the universe, and nothing is more powerful than it (Your Divine Will), in which everything and all things are submissive to Your Creative, Redeeming, Sanctifying and Divine power.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of the Universe
Heaven and earth proclaim Your glory!
Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest!
In the Divine Will of God, in the name of Jesus I command that all identified unclean and satanic spirits receive divine judgment for having attacked my family. I now command all of you, evil spirits to leave my family definitively in the Name of Jesus, by His Most Precious Blood, by His Holy Wounds, by the intercession of the Immaculate Conception and of the Glorious Saint Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church and of our families, of the Archangels Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael and all the saints of Heaven.
In the Divine Will, through the power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and His Precious Blood, leave my family forever you demons of curses inherited in our genealogical tree!
In the Divine Will, by the power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and His Most Precious Blood, I rebuke you demons of pestilence and infectious diseases and cast You forever definitively into the abysses of hell in the name of Jesus.
All of you infernal legions, I tie you up and command you to release my family and all the families of the whole world, in the name of Jesus.
All of you demons behind satanic sects, of masonic and secret societies, that in the Divine Will be imprisoned, humiliated and vanquished at the foot of the Saving Cross of Jesus and be cast immediately and definitively into the abyss in the name and by the power of the Holy Wounds of Jesus, of His Most Precious Blood, through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church and our families.
All of you demons of sorcery, satanic omens, enchantments, macumbas, prayers done in the dark (evil prayers) over our names and our photos, witchcraft of death made in food, with hair, nails, our intimate apparel or on pieces of our clothes, curses and plagues launched against us; all that was done, spoken and written against me and my family, in the Divine Will of God, in the Name of Jesus and by the power and merits of His Most Sorrowful Passion, I command you to leave us definitively and release us now and be tied and bound, with all your evils to the cross of Jesus, so that Jesus dispose of you as He wishes.
All of you demons of aggression, insanity, schizophrenia and all demons associated with psychic and mental illnesses, in the Divine Will of God, in the Name of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, before which all Heaven, all earth and even hell obey and kneel, by the Holy and Glorious Wounds of the Immaculate Lamb and His Most Precious Blood, I command you to definitively release my entire family, for the glory of the Eternal Father, of His Divine Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the Divine Will, I now command all of you demons of mental and psychic control to immediately and definitively release my whole family, our minds, attitudes of character and personality, physical and psychic, leave us immediately and release us in the womb, in soul and spirit. Set us free in the Name of Jesus.
In the Divine Will of God, I now apply the Most Precious Blood of Jesus with all its power, to torment all of you demons from hell with the gain of many souls for the Kingdom of Heaven, for the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and that His Divine Kingdom triumph in souls and His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
In the Divine Will, leave now and definitively release us all you evil spirits of the New Age, freemasonry, witchcraft, sympathies, macumba, esoterism, diabolic sects, occultism, leave now and definitively our lives and our families in the Name of Jesus.
In the Divine Will, I definitively cancel all pacts, covenants, oaths, vows made in our names, curses against me and my family members, in the Name of Jesus!
Lord, Eternal and Almighty Father, I ask You to restore my family. Heal and free us by the Blood of Jesus and that, the glory, peace, joy and virtues that have been stolen from us, be restored to us right now in the name of Your Most Beloved Son Our Lord Jesus Christ and for the infinite merits of His Most Sorrowful Passion and Death on the cross.
Lord, in Your Divine Will, I thank You for Your healing and liberating power over my life and my family. To You all honor and glory be given forever and ever.
Holy Spirit, anoint my family which I now consecrate to You and grant it definitive healing and deliverance forever, destroying all evil, restoring every part of their beings, where they need to receive support and be restored, liberating them completely, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Precious Blood we ask You. Amen!
Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
The Queen of Prayer: The Holy Rosary 🌹
Various Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
Prayers from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch
Prayers for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Prayers of the Holy Family Refuge
Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary