Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
Prayers taught by Heaven to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle at Holy Love, North Ridgeville, Ohio, USA
Table of Contents
Meditating on the Passion

“…I have come today to invite you to meditate daily upon My Passion, for such a meditative prayer stirs in your heart sentiments of love and compassion for Me. Every moment that you give Me in love, I return to you a hundredfold through Divine Love in this life and in the next.”
The Stations of the Cross
- Jesus is Condemned to Death
- Jesus Accepts His Cross
- Jesus Falls the First Time
- Jesus Meets His Mother
- Simon Carries the Cross
- Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
- Jesus Falls the Second Time
- Jesus Consoles the Women of Jerusalem
- Jesus Falls a Third Time
- Jesus is Stripped of His Garments
- Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
- Jesus Dies on the Cross
- Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross
- Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
Holy Love Is The Tenth Station
Jesus: “Holy Love is the Tenth Station of the Cross. It is stripping yourself of all that stands between you and salvation. It is dying to your own will. In Holy Love, there is only one will, one opinion that matters, and that is God’s. Sanctification comes when the soul can see what stands between himself and God, and he strips himself of it. It is My Tenth Station.”
Meditations on Stations of the Cross
Our Lady
First Station
Pilate Condemns Jesus to Death
Pray for the grace to sacrifice all in humility for the sake of souls.
Second Station
Jesus Accepts His Cross
Pray to be able to accept the crosses in your daily lives. Consecrate yourselves to My Son’s Cross as He, so innocently, accepted the Cross in your place.
Third Station
Jesus Falls the First Time
Meditate on the heaviness of Jesus’ Cross due to the sin in the world and your own sins.
Fourth Station
Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother
Meditate on the love between Mother and Son, how it grieved Jesus to see His Mother suffer, and Mary’s grief at the sight of Her Son’s suffering.
Fifth Station
Simon Helps Carry the Cross
Pray for the grace to accept all crosses in your life, and ask Jesus for support.
Sixth Station
Veronica Offers Her Veil
Pray that you too may always be able to step forward in faith for love of Christ, no matter the cost to self.
Seventh Station
Jesus Falls the Second Time
Meditate on Jesus falling under the weight of humanity’s sins, though He Himself was sinless.
Eighth Station
Jesus Speaks to the Women
Pray for the grace to feel sorrow in your heart for Christ’s Passion, even to the point of tears, for this is the path of salvation for many.
Ninth Station
Jesus Falls the Third Time
Meditate on the total darkness and evil of sin that caused Christ to stumble and fall under its weight. Pray for the grace to be enlightened to the sin in your own life.
Tenth Station
Jesus is Stripped of His Garments
Meditate on the Lamb of God who gave up everything, even His last piece of clothing, for humanity. Pray for the grace to strip yourself of all that stands between you and the Lord.
Eleventh Station
Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
Jesus is nailed to the cross for the sins of mankind even though He saw in His Heart the multitude that would still reject Him. Pray for the grace to keep Christ at the center of your life.
Twelfth Station
Jesus Dies on the Cross
Pray for contrition for all your sins that caused the Son of Man to die so horrible a death. Pray: “Dear Jesus, my heart as well dies with You.”
Thirteenth Station
Jesus is Taken Down From the Cross
Meditate on the sorrow of the Mother who holds the tortured Body of Her dead Son at the foot of the Cross. Pray for true contrition for your sins.
Fourteenth Station
Jesus is Placed in the Sepulcher
Meditate on the sadness Mary felt at leaving Her Son in the tomb. Pray for the grace to stay close to God.
Meditations on Stations of the Cross
Jesus, March 31, 1996
“I desire that souls make this Way of the Cross part of their lives. I want them to meditate on My passion considering the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary and understanding My Mother’s role as Co-Redemptrix.”
First Station
Jesus Is Condemned to Death
Consider how Divine Love and Holy Love made Their Wills One with the Eternal Father. Imitate this resignation by accepting trials.
Second Station
Jesus Accepts His Cross
Through the Divine Mercy of the Sacred Heart and the Holy Compassion of My Mother’s Heart, I was able to courageously embrace the Cross.
Third Station
Jesus Falls the First Time
When you slip and fall into sin, My Mother, through Holy Compassion, wraps you in Her mantle and leads you to My Divine Mercy which raises you up again.
Fourth Station
Jesus Meets His Mother
Our eyes met and Holy and Divine Love became one. It was Her prayer that enabled Me to go on. How often souls depend on Your prayers. Unite them to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Fifth Station
Simon Carries the Cross
Consider the reluctancy of Simon to embrace the grace of the present moment. How often has the present moment escaped you? Too often, you see the cross and not the grace. Place the present moment in the grace of Our United Hearts. We will help you to see the ‘why’ behind every cross.
Sixth Station
Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
Veronica was one with Holy Compassion and Holy Love. She was not fearful to step forward and comfort Me. I left with Her My mark of Divine Love. I desire all souls comfort Me in the tabernacles of the world.
Seventh Station
Jesus Falls the Second Time
Through My Divine Mercy - and led to Me through My Mother’s Holy Compassion - I will forgive you as often as you fall.
Eighth Station
Jesus Consoles The Women Of Jerusalem
Seek the consolation of the Refuge of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. She will lead you to the greatest consolation of all — spiritual union with My Heart.
Ninth Station
Jesus Falls A Third Time
Have you slipped away from Me again? I forgive you! I forgive you! I forgive you! I love you! I love you! I love you! Imitate Me.
Tenth Station
Jesus Is Stripped of His Garments
If you are spiritually one with Our United Hearts, the world will hold no value for you. You will use the goods of the world to attain My end. My Mother gave Me Her veil when I had nothing. I ask you to give Me your heart and I will give you everything.
Eleventh Station
Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross
My Mother’s hands and feet were laid spiritually on top of My own. She suffered as I suffered, for love of sinners. I ask you to stand with Her now and support Her at the foot of the Cross through sorrow for your sins.
Twelfth Station
Jesus Dies on the Cross
I died with and for love of you. Divine Mercy and Divine Love are one. Holy Love and Holy Compassion are one. Die to yourself. Live for the United Hearts.
Thirteenth Station
Jesus Is Taken Down from the Cross
My Mother wept bitter tears as She embraced My broken body. Ask Her to embrace you in Her Heart of Holy Love. Then She will lead you to Me.
Fourteenth Station
Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb
I was laid in the tomb, but there is no end to My Love and Mercy. I rose again. Rise above sin through My Mother’s Holy Love. Embrace eternity.
Our Lady: “See the importance of prayer in the present moment. I am coming to help you understand that in Heaven God’s actions in the world [His Justice and His Mercy] are not measured by time - every minute, every hour. Please understand that it is prayer and sacrifice vs. sin and evil that bring about or mitigate every action of God in the world.” November 23, 1997
When You Meditate on My Passion
Messages from Jesus
September 11, 2000
“Contemplate My wounds, for to do so appeases My Heart. When you meditate on My Passion and death you are able to overcome Satan’s temptations in the present moment.”
November 3, 2000
Conversation with Divine Love
“Dear child, when you meditate on My Passion the fairness of My Father’s Mercy pours out in abundance upon humanity. I am then able to draw closer to souls who do not know Me or recognize Me.”
“My Father’s plan—His Will—is eternal and always at work in the world. It goes unacknowledged and unacclaimed by most, but never departs from its course.”
“When you meditate therefore on My Blessed Passion, you bring it to life. You are Veronica wiping My Face. You are Simon helping Me to carry the Cross. You are standing with My Mother at the foot of the Cross, consoling Her. You are affirming the Divine Will in the world.”
May 5, 2004
Conversation with Divine Love
“When you meditate upon My Passion and Death, I take you deeper in the Flame of Divine Love. When you meditate upon My Mother’s Passion, I owe you My gratitude.”
Jesus’ February 5, 2002
Monthly Message to All Nations
“When you meditate upon My Passion and Death, you bring to Me contrite hearts. Never fail Me in this, then. Mercy begets mercy. When you give Me contrite hearts by your efforts, I will never fail you in My Mercy.”
May 14, 2004
Conversation with Divine Love
“Please understand that much of My Passion took place within My Heart. I mourned for the souls that would be lost despite My sacrifice. My Heart was moved with pity for the self-righteous and arrogant. These are the ones who feel they are on the path of salvation as they slip to their perdition.”
“As I suffered, My Mother suffered the Passion within Her own Heart—feeling not only physical pain but the agony of the loss of souls. Besides all of this, She suffered the pain of separation from Me—though mystically Our Hearts were united even in the darkest hour.”
“This is why the Flame of My Heart so willingly engulfs the soul that meditates upon My Passion and Death. This is why I am gracious towards those who meditate upon the sorrows of My Mother.”
Dictations on My Passion and Death
Messages from Jesus
Agony in the Garden
February 19, 2005
Conversation with Divine Love

“Child, I desire to share with you facts about My Passion and Death that have heretofore remained hidden…”
“First I will take you to the Garden of Gethsemane. I moved towards this point in time with a heavy Heart— heavy, for I knew so many would slip to their perdition despite My sacrifice. The greatest suffering I bore for the redemption of mankind was the Divine Knowledge of the lack of love in hearts. Many times during persecutions, you feel only a fraction of My sorrow; but imagine if you experienced all the hate and apathy of every human heart that ever existed or ever will exist—all at once!”
“This is what caused the Blood to flow from My Pores. This is why I begged that this Chalice be passed by Me. When I accepted My Father’s Will, I did not receive any consolation of knowing His approval. An angel came and ministered to Me by cleansing the Blood which had fallen...”
Scourging at the Pillar
March 4, 2005
Conversation with Divine Love

“The Chambers of Our United Hearts remained open throughout My Passion. I was willing to welcome and forgive any one of My torturers if they would but turn to Me with a remorseful heart. None did. Darkness overshadowed them. They did not recognize Me, just as many do not recognize Me today in the Holy Eucharist.”
“The insults of the whips were not easy to bear, but I had surrendered to the Will of My Father. Therefore, I bore every blow for mankind’s redemption. These pains were little compared to the pain of seeing the hearts of My persecutors. Their hearts were vessels of apathy, hatred and disgust. How many today carry the same spirits in their hearts?”
“My Mother suffered each blow in Her own Body mystically that I suffered physically. I could not protect Her from this trial which was a bitter portion of My Passion and Death.”
“Today it is the prayers of Her consecrated children that support My Mother as She looks into the hearts of mankind. Do not fail Her, for She suffers much.”
Read more about the Chambers of the United Hearts
Crowning With Thorns
March 11, 2005
Conversation with Divine Love

“The Crowning with Thorns which I suffered at the hand of My torturers had particular significance. Each thorn represented the prideful worship of a false god in the hearts of My persecutors—then and now and in the future.”
“There was the thorn of the false god of wealth which penetrated the deepest. This thorn was closely challenged by the false god of reputation. Then there was the false god of physical beauty. I must not neglect the thorn of the false god of intellect.”
“The Crown of Thorns was particularly difficult to bear for it mirrored so closely the errors in the hearts of men. While I suffered with love in My Heart, My torturers attacked Me with venomous hatred. Their love of God had been replaced by disordered self-love. I bled for them.”
“Today it is the prayers of Her consecrated children that support My Mother as She looks into the hearts of mankind. Do not fail Her, for She suffers much.”
February 28, 2005
“My brothers and sisters, see and understand that the thorn which penetrated the deepest into My Head represented the souls who say they love Me but do not trust Me. Oh! How often this happens, and often to the souls that I have been the closest to. Consider My anguish and then see that your love and trust must be united as Our Hearts are united.”
Carrying of the Cross
March 18, 2005
Conversation with Divine Love

“Today I have come to speak to you about My carrying of the Cross—a journey which led to the sacrifice of sacrifices. Humanly, I could not have made this journey as I was already greatly weakened by previous trials. It was by merit of My Mother’s prayers I was able to bear up under this burden. I kept My focus on the souls who would succeed in passing through the narrow gates of Paradise because of My sacrifice. I could not think of Myself. The moments when I was most vulnerable to Satan’s attacks to reject these trials are the ones I surrendered to the Father for those who allow Satan to usurp them in the corruption of others.”
Crucifixion and Death on the Cross
March 25, 2005
Good Friday Conversation with Divine Love

“On this day so many hundreds of years long past, salvation mounted the Cross. Yes, Love and Mercy made one—suffered and died for all and for each one. My pain was made more intense when I looked upon My Sorrowing Mother. Still today—for there is no time or space in Heaven—you can console My Mother as She stands at the foot of the Cross.”
“My consolation as I hung dying was the knowledge of the Divine Mercy devotion in these latter days, and the spread of the Confraternity of the United Hearts. The Confraternity opens the font of Divine Love that is My Heart for all to share. It is through knowledge of the Chambers of Our United Hearts souls will be assisted in their mount to perfection and will be able to find, and to imitate Divine Love.”
“I held nothing back on Calvary. I surrendered all for the sake of sinners. Each of you must decide to surrender everything to Me in order to be free to choose for Holy and Divine Love.”
“No pain I suffered on the Cross was too great, for I beheld the face of humanity before Me. I suffer still when I see any sinner turn away from Me. I implore you—imitate Divine Love and Divine Mercy to one another. I will reach down from the Cross and help you.”
August 7, 2002
“As I drew in My last breath on the Cross—My dying prayer—My last thought was for My Church upon earth.”
April 18, 2003
Good Friday – 3:00 p.m.
“As I drew in My last breath—a breath that caused Me excruciating pain—I was consoled by the knowledge that two Revelations would draw My Remnant Faithful together. One was the Revelation of My Divine Mercy —the other was the Revelation of the Chambers of Our United Hearts.”
February 17, 2000
“As I underwent My Passion and death, I saw this Mission take form and it was a great consolation.”
Descent to the Dead
March 26, 2005
Holy Saturday Conversation with Divine Love

“After My death on the Cross, I descended to a place which was neither Hell nor Purgatory—a place where many awaited Me—the patriarchs—Moses, My foster father Joseph, to name a few. Before I released them to enter the glory of Heaven, I charged each one of them to pray for My Love and Mercy to be made known in these last days.”
“My consolation as I hung dying was the knowledge of the Divine Mercy devotion in these latter days, and the spread of the Confraternity of the United Hearts. The Confraternity opens the font of Divine Love that is My Heart for all to share. It is through knowledge of the Chambers of Our United Hearts souls will be assisted in their mount to perfection and will be able to find, and to imitate Divine Love.”
“I bid them pray for the Divine Mercy Revelation and for the Confraternity of the United Hearts—the two vehicles of My Divine Love and Divine Mercy. I made them understand that these vehicles of My Love and Mercy would convert and save a multitude before My return. Then I sent them to Heaven.”
My Passion Continues Today
September 11, 2000
“My brothers and sisters, My Passion continues today in the form of every murder that is committed, every abortion that is performed. It continues in all those who scorn the Christian ideal of Holy Love. And so I invite you tonight to remember Me as I remembered you in My Passion.”
September 21, 2000
Conversation with Divine Love
“You ponder, child, how it is the errant soul still causes Me to suffer, and how your sacrifices today can alleviate My Passion. In Heaven there is no time or space. Therefore, I still suffer for every sin committed and I am always victorious in every heart that is converted.”
February 7, 2000
“It is within the Fourth Chamber of My Heart that I experience My Passion and death as every Mass is celebrated.”
February 7, 2000
“You may wonder, My daughter, at My revealing to you certain sorrows in certain Chambers of My Heart. But it is true, that certain sorrows thrust the sword of suffering deeper into My Heart than any. My greatest sorrow, the one that bitterly occupies the Fourth Chamber of My Heart, is the sacrileges and outrages that I suffer in My Real Presence in the tabernacles of the world.”
April 18, 2003, Good Friday
“Today, I come to you to describe to the world My Wounds.”
“The Wounds of My Hands were suffered for those who embrace evil and oppose righteousness. With Me there is no half-measure. You are either for Me or against Me.”
“The Wounds of My Feet were suffered for those who once walked in righteousness, but have strayed from the path.”
“The Wound of My Heart was suffered for priests— the lukewarm priests—those who have compromised or forsaken their vocation—those who offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with sullied hands.”
“All of these I suffered for the salvation of souls, and I suffer them still today.”
Lessons From the Passion
February 25, 2005
Conversation with Divine Love

Jesus: “Please understand that as I suffered My Passion, I could have called a brigade of angels to My defense, but I chose to suffer in silence. I prayed as I suffered that My enemies would be convicted in their hearts of their sins. You must do the same for this is unconditional love.”
April 10, 2006
Jesus: “My brothers and sisters, many times in the days preceding My Passion and Death, I was overcome with fear of what was to befall Me. But once I accepted the Cross, thereby surrendering to it, I was given the strength and the courage to bear it. You must do likewise.”
October 27, 2007

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque: “Jesus’ surrender in Gethsemane was complete and perfect. Yet, He had to continually surrender to His Father’s Will throughout His Passion. This is because Satan tried to tempt Him to come down from the Cross. It is no different in the moment to moment surrender that each soul gives to Jesus. Satan tries to tempt the soul into rejecting the cross—the greater the cross, the greater the temptation.”
“Remember, Jesus had angels minister to Him after His surrender to His Father’s Will. Each soul has his guardian angel next to him helping him to surrender, and supporting him in the face of each temptation to abandon his surrender.”
“Jesus desires that you seek the shelter of your angels’ wings in living out these Messages of Holy and Divine Love, which is God’s Divine Will.”
April 12, 2001, Holy Thursday
Jesus: “As I underwent My Passion and death, my great consolation was that I would remain in the world clothed in the Eucharist. Not that I wanted to cling to the world or life in the world, but as My Father’s Will, I remain as a strength and support to all of humanity.”
“Yes, I am here! I am present—Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. The only thing that can loosen my spiritual bond with all people is free will. Therefore, I come to say—believe in Me truly present in the tabernacles of the world.”
Prayers and messages are taken from the books "Triumphant Hearts Prayer Book 2nd Edition" and "United Hearts Book of Prayers and Meditations", which you can download here.
Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
The Queen of Prayer: The Holy Rosary 🌹
Various Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
Prayers from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch
Prayers for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Prayers of the Holy Family Refuge
Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary